Work from home without having to make sure you always have a copy of the changed files with you. Use any programs loaded on your Windows XP computer from anywhere on the internet or from any other computer on your local network just as if you were sitting at its keyboard.
Keep your data in one safe location instead of having it loaded on your notebook computer. Use expensive, or older single user programs, from other locations or computers (one user at a time). This allows you to keep programs and files in one location on a fast computer that is easier to keep BACKED UP.
Avoid loosing changes because someone opened a file at work causing it to be newer than the one you worked on for hours at home.
Open a file at work and print it on your home printer.
Check email on your work computer from other locations and avoid having to delete files in both locations.
Use your computer on a high speed cable modem or DSL line and avoid the cost of an expensive static IP address.